In this section, you can consult the most relevant elements linked to the obligations included in Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance.The annual report includes a summary of the activity carried out by Turespaña throughout each financial year.You can also consult the regulations governing the organisation and activity of Turespaña.

Public information

Documentation of the preliminary project and basic project for the remodelling and expansion works of the Madrid Conference and Exhibition Centre REPORT – You need to download the following 4 links to be able to unzip the documentation (77Mb) 193423-PB-PAL-V03.1_I. MEMORIA.z01 (20Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03.1_I. MEMORIA.z02 (20Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03.1_I. MEMORIA.z03 (20Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03.1_I. (17Mb) GENERAL CONTENTS193423-PB-PAL-V03.1_ÍNDICE GENERAL.pdf (1Mb) PLANOS_01 – You need to download the following 3 links to be able to unzip the documentation (52Mb) 193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_01.z01 (20Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_01.z02 (20Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. (12Mb) PLANOS_02 – You need to download the following 2 links to be able to unzip the documentation (33Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_02.z01 (20Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. (13Mb) PLANOS_03 193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_03.pdf (15Mb) PLANOS_04-01 – You need to download the following 2 links to be able to unzip the documentation (29Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_04-01.z01 (20Mb193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. (9Mb) PLANOS_04-02 – You need to download the following 4 links to be able to unzip the documentation (66Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_04-02.z01 (20Mb193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_04-02.z02 (20Mb193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_04-02.z03 (20Mb193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. (6Mb) PLANOS_05You need to download the following 2 links to be able to unzip the documentation (32Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_05.z01 (20Mb) 193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. (12Mb) PLANOS_06-01You need to download the following 3 links to be able to unzip the documentation (53Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_06-01.z01 (20Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_06-01.z02 (20Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. (13Mb) PLANOS_06-02You need to download the following 4 links to be able to unzip the documentation (64Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_06-02.z01 (20Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_06-02.z02 (20Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_06-02.z03 (20Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. (4Mb) PLANOS_07193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_07.pdf (22Mb) PLANOS_08193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_08.pdf (8Mb) PLANOS_09You need to download the following 2 links to be able to unzip the documentation (30Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_09.z01 (20Mb)193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. (10Mb) PLANOS_10193423-PB-PAL-V03_II. PLANOS_10.pdf (21Mb) BUDGET193423-PB-PAL-V03_III. PRESUPUESTO.pdf (1Mb)

Useful links

Access to the Transparency Portal – TURESPAÑA's contracting profile on the State Contracting Platform - Complaints channel – Turespaña Ethical Code – More information Anti-fraud plan – More information